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young women's excellence

what is ywe?

Young Women's Excellence, YWE, is a community group for girls. 

YWE girls are ones that want to improve their confidence, knowledge and passion. We will offer workshops and mentors that will help us to cultivate our goals so that we can be equipped to acheive them.

Dear Young Women,

YWE's Goal is to help women, especially in underrepresented communities, to find their passion and strive for that passion with confidence.


YWE will enrich girls with knowledge that will help prepare them for a successful future. Proverbs 31:25 says "She is clothed with dignity and laugh without fear of the future."


This mindset is one that YWE hopes to bring to the girls that are part of the YWE community.

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AChance4Life © 2018 

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A Chance 4 Life, AC4L, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations and contributions are tax-deductible as allowed by law.

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